
Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Before the new year, I sat down and thought a lot about my family, friendships and my future.  For a long time I have been in a "rut" unsure of who I was, what I should do with my life, where my marriage was headed etc. etc. In 2016 & 2017 life threw several curve balls my way and after sometime I had slowly reclused into someone that I did not know and did not like.  There were lots of compensating factors for this, I had developed unhealthy friendships and routines, my marriage was on the brink of divorce and a very close friend passed away 4 days before his 39th birthday.  I knew that I needed a change but really didn't know where to start. 

So Bob and I started discussing how I could ease back into the workforce and still take care of my responsibilities with the kiddos.  I didn't want to go back to a 9-5 job with a boss and considering my kids are still young I also didn't want to miss out on participating in their school events.  Quickly we came to the conclusion that Real Estate would be a great fit for me.  I love meeting new people, I am great at finding solutions to problems and I get to be my own boss.  If you know me well then you know I have always had a passion for real estate and all things beauty related.  I consistently stay on top of new developments in the area and all the newest trends.  Starting a career in the real estate business just made sense and would be an extension of something I am already doing on an ongoing basis.  At the end of January I enrolled in Real Estate School and started taking classes online.  I quickly learned that if I wanted to be successful in this business I need to get in the classroom and get some hands on experience. 

By the end of February, I was taking weekend classes while the hubby took care of the kiddos.  This was such a nice trade off from being a SAHM for the last 6 1/2 years.  Don't get me wrong I love my children but I had put so much focus on them and taking care of the home, I wasn't taking care of myself properly.  This also developed a new-found thankfulness and grateful attitude for my husband, considering he had to be mom and dad on the weekends while I was in class.  Things really started changing for the better, everyone was actually excited to see and be around mom. I had gotten rid of the toxic people in my life, I started eating better and working out again.  My kids praised the fact that mom was going to school and that they were very proud of me.  This is my motivation and words can not describe how thankful I am for making these changes to my life.  

Fast Forward to today, my marriage is back on track.  I have started a new career. My husband and children appreciate me more (well sometimes).  Most of all, I am staying focused on those goals I set at the beginning of the year.  It is not easy but I want to set a good example for my children and strive to be a better person each day.  This morning I was at a networking event on how to build your brand and I received my approval letter from the Texas Real Estate Commission to take my test to become licensed.  So FREAKING EXCITED!!!! My plan is getting even closer to coming to life and I cant believe it is happening so fast.  One of my goals this year is to do more blogging about my family, my career and of course all things beauty related. Thanks for checking out my page and stay tuned for more of #abettermein2018